We hope that everyone is safe and well during
these unique pandemic times!
In an effort to keep our membership and followers
in tune with our 2021 Administration & Operations
initiatives – we plan on sharing a Cricket Ontario
programs and activities update over the coming
season, perhaps on monthly basis to keep everyone
informed as we navigate through these difficult
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, changes will be
required changes by all of us to react and adopt
to the ‘New Norms’ of executing our initiatives and
at the same time – keep everyone healthy and safe,
while we enjoy the great game that we all love.
Last year, Cricket Ontario was able to
salvage some of its programs, especially
the youth and women regional
championships, while the majority of
our member leagues had shorter
modified seasons as well.
In the offseason, we have been diligently planning for
the upcoming 2021 season. We hope that the ‘new
norms’ that have been dictated by this pandemic
impact will allow us to have a much better season
than we did last year.
Foremost among our many targeted initiatives for the
2021 season will be an emphasis on making female
cricket stronger in Ontario, improving Coaches’
education via the NCCP certification. Our plan is to
build the capacity for qualified coaches for the future
by assisting all academies and indoors training centre
to have theirs certified at the grassroots level. The
objective of this approach is to bring common and
standardized coaching techniques and skills sets to
all levels of cricket athletes’ development and growth.
We are working with Coaches Canada and Ontario
in this regard and hopefully soon we will have these
plans in place. Stay tuned for further updates in a few
Our youth program continues to strive with our coaches
continuing their great work for the development of
our players cricketing skills. We would like to offer our
sincere thanks to our coaching team for their volunteer services without which we would not have the successful programs that we have established to date.
This year will be a busy season for cricket in Ontario as reflected by our calendar of events. We will be introducing an Ontario Senior 50+ championship in September with the hope of making it an annual event. All member leagues will be invited to enter a team.
We will wrap up the season with the introduction of an Ontario Hall of Fame event to recognize and appreciate people of valued contribution to the Cricket Growth in Ontario – in various categories.
We also have a new website up and running, please check out it out at www.cricketontario.ca
In conclusion, I would like to thank my management team (Cricket Ontario BOD), Youth Committee, Women Cricket Management Committee, volunteers and parents for their valuable contribution and commitment of our members and supporters for the future of the Cricket Ontario.