On Sunday, March 5, 2023, the OSCL held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at
Agincourt Recreation Centre located at 31 Glen Watford Drive, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. After a one-year term in office, a few positions were open for election at the AGM.
During the election process, highlights of the election were a notable change made to the executive body with
incoming elected member Amit Bacchus in the role of Vice President and, Kenny Ramsawak as Assistant Secretary / Treasurer. The position for Assistant Registrar / Statistician / Webmaster is still
open for voting at the Captains’ Table meeting to be held on Saturday, May 6, 2023.
Current serving members on the Executive Board are Shiv Persaud, OSCL President, Dina Jaipersaud, Secretary /
Public Relations Officer, Natasha Sue, Treasurer, Ian Baldeo, Coordinator, and Patrick Shivrattan,
Registrar / Statistician / Webmaster.
OSCL President, Shiv Persaud sent a congratulatory message to the newly elected members and welcomed them to the executive board. In his message to all members, Persaud pointed out that there is a lot of work to be done. One of the priorities highlighted was to bring the Youth and Women to the forefront
of OSCL cricket.
Sponsorship was one of the high points of the discussion as well. Persaud reiterated that over the past years, the OSCL has benefitted immeasurably from sponsorship and it is significant to have their contributions for the upcoming season. Persaud extended a sincere thank you to the outgoing executives
for their contributions to the OSCL.
In concluding the discussion, Persaud stated that he expected that the executive body will continue to abide by the constitution and do its best to fulfill its roles and responsibilities in serving
the members and contributors of the OSCL.