Cricket Ontario hopes that all cricketers, parents, officials, and volunteers are safe and getting their vaccines.
The most recent announcement made by the Government of Ontario has said that outdoor sports and
recreational facilities can open as of May 22nd, but no organized practices or training is permitted. Only casual use by up to 5 people is allowed. Cricket Ontario is extremely disappointed with this most recent announcement, as this was not the information we were expecting to receive from the Government
of Ontario. Our expectation was that the reopening plan for organized sports leagues would be much
more relaxed relative to what it was this time last year.
We have received a lot of feedback from our Member Leagues on the recent announcement with
their expressed opinions that cricket should reopen as soon as possible. Cricket Ontario would like
to assure its members that efforts are being made to draw the Government of Ontario’s focus to reopen
cricket activities earlier than anticipated. Cricket is a non-contact, safe, socially distanced outdoor team sport that may suffer under the existing restrictions that are being imposed.
We know our membership is passionate about the game and
we all want to be on the field to play. I’d like to share with you
that Cricket Ontario as a member of all outdoor sports group has
decided to collectively approach and draw both Premier Ford’s
and the Province’s attention to allow us to reopen outdoor sports
in the manner which we all desire.
It is not Cricket Ontario that is preventing our leagues from
participating in their organized cricket activities, but the Province
of Ontario. We will continue our efforts as part of the ALLOUTDOOR
SPORTS Coalition Group to petition towards provincial
consideration and implementation of a much more accelerated
reopening for outdoor sport. We encourage you to do the same.
Please reach out to your MP and let them know if you believe we
need a return to cricket guidelines now.
Cricket Ontario has and continues to commit to reopening Cricket
safely in Ontario as soon as we are permitted to do so. When the
Government of Ontario allows us to proceed, Cricket Ontario’s
Roadmap to reopen the cricket activities (July 1st week) will be
as follows:
• Youth U17 & U19 selection trials for Regional Championship
• Youth U17 & U19 Regional Championship and selection
for Ontario U19 teams for Canada Cup
• Women’s selection trials for Regional Championship
• Women’s Regional Championship
• Men’s and Women Central T20 (1st weekend in August)
In the interim, we would encourage all players to concentrate
on their respective fitness trainings while being fully prepared for
the resumption of active competitions. Again, at our end we will
continue to petition and pressurize the Government to consider a
much more accelerated reopening for both cricket and outdoor
sports in general.
Sincerely yours
Shah Zafar, President
Cricket Ontario