The Hamilton & District Cricket League’s (HDCL)2021 Season has finally gotten underway as of July 3, following
the Govt. of Ontario’s establishment of its Phase 2 reopening plans for post COVID recovery. HDCL’s 2021 Season
will feature 40 overs competitive matches in three Divisions Super Elite, Elite and Premier.
The League’s 2021 regular season 40 overs
competition will conclude with playoffs scheduled
for the Sept 1st weekend. The Province’s established
Guidelines for the resumption of team sports are
being strictly observed and adhered do during all
League matches.
As part of its 2021 Season, HDCL has also introduced
a morning T25 competition to cater for the ever
growing demand for this format. Cricket umpires
from the Oakville, Burlington and Hamilton city areas
are now required for this competition. Interested
individuals with basic cricket experience and
knowledge of the Laws of Cricket should reach out
to the League’s Secretary via email at: secretary@
The League’s Ed Burns Memorial T20 Competition
will commence starting 1st week of Sept, 2021 and
conclude with playoffs slated for 1st weekend of
Oct, 2021
Due to the continuing Pandemic restrictions.
However, the League’s Annual Awards Banquet will
not be held as scheduled this year. It will instead be
replaced with match day presentations to winners
and runners-ups as well as trophies for each final.
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HDCL will also participate in the Cricket Council of Ontario’s Central T20 competition which is scheduled for the last week of July/1st week of Aug 2021. A sufficiently strong HDCL representative team is in the process of being selected.
Despite the prevailing COVID induced restrictions, HDCL was nevertheless active during the pre-season
winter months. The League’s Annual General Meeting was held on March 28th, 2021 while a Special
General Membership & Captains Meeting was also held on May 26th, 2021. Umpiring seminars and clinics were also conducted during the 2nd week of June, 2021,
Thanks to the patience, perseverance and commitment defining efforts of the Oakville Cricket Club’s
(OCC) Executives and Members, the Town of Oakville has finally listened to their repeated requests
and has responded by confirming the forthcoming establishment of a state of the art dedicated cricket
facility. Hamilton & District Cricket League is delighted by this news and wishes to congratulate the OCC’s leadership and membership. HDCL also extends its sincerest gratitude to the visionary councilors and officials of the Town of Oakville, under the leadership of Mayor Rob Burton. The Construction Countdown Has Begun!!! Deserved congratulations to all!
HDCL’s 2021 Season Now Underway!